Great Black and White Photographers II

Connor Ready (period 6)
Eugene Atget 1857-1927 BIO


I love Paris, and in seeing the photos of Eugene Atget, I am reminded of the same streets, buildings, and bridges that I experienced with my family in the summer of 2017. Eugene Atget was born February 12th 1857 in Libourne,France. When Eugene was 5 years of age his father(Jean Atget), a carriage builder died and his mother (Clara Atget) died Shortly after. So because of this, Eugene was raised by his maternal grandparents in Bordeaux Prefecture France, after finishing his secondary education he  joined the Merchant Navy, a shipping fleet group. Atget later in life moved to Paris France where he entered a acting group. Eugene was drafted to the military, short after his entering to the acting group so he could only attend the acting class part-time. As he lived in Paris he became an actor with a travelling group, performing in Paris provinces. In 1887 Eugene threw away his career in acting because of a infection in his vocal cords and he moved to the provinces and started painting and had no success doing so.
  In 1888 Eugene moved back to Paris where he finally became a professional photographer. Eugene would take pictures of buildings, street signs and different architectural subjects. While being a photographer Eugene still thought of himself as a actor even though he turned down that career long ago. Eugene was very protective about all of his hard work as a photographer, so during world war one he temporarily stored all of his photos in his basement for safekeeping. In the time of war he got carried away from photography and almost lost his interest in the art of photography. Still interested in photography Eugene started on a few new series of photos of varies parks in France and then to taking pictures of prostitutes. With all of this work as a photographer Eugene worked with Man Ray and as Eugene past and Man Ray grew older he sold all of Eugene's work to the Museum of modern art in Paris France where millions of people see it every year.
  Conclusion is that Eugene, Atget was a French Pioneer known for his determination to document all sorts of photographs. He took pictures of  street signs in Paris France as they changed from how they were, to when they became modernized. Eugene took many photographs in his lifetime and most of his photos were published by a gman named Man Ray after Eugene's death. Man Ray was an American Photographer best known for his portraits of between-the-wars 20th century cultures figures , photos of urban design of the 1930s, and science interpretation in the 1940s-1960s. As we look back at Eugene’s work we see that he has inspired many people.


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